
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Think It Through

This is another school paper that I wanted to post. We were allowed to pick any topic that interested us. I had some other ideas (e.g. Mini-Coopers, Love them!! etc )

Post it on Facebook! Email me soon! Text me as soon as you know! Wonderful tweet done by…! Is this all our generation will hear? What ever happened to what is now known as “snail mail”? Technology has become too good. It distracts people from the real world. Some people do just fine with having an email, Facebook, Twitter, cell-phone without becoming obsessed. Some people can't do it. Here are four ways technology can be bad:

1)      You can find yourself addicted. How you know that your addicted is when you are sitting in front of your computer waiting for a new post on Facebook to come up because you have spent the past 30 minutes memorizing what people have posted from today and days previous. Or when you get a text message and you reply and find yourself checking your phone every 15 seconds to see if they responded. You get very frustrated when you see that they haven’t answered so you lose all hope.

2)      Discontentment. What!! I’m not discontent I just really like the house I built on a game. It’s just my dream house. Discontentment is when you find yourself looking at pictures on Facebook of your friend and her family and saying, “I wished I looked like her. How does she get her hair to stay so flat? I wish my family was as happy as hers.”

3)      Distracts from the real world. Your telling your best friend about how awful your day was and all of a sudden you hear her cell-phone beep saying that she had a text message. She whips out her phone, breaks eye contact, says she just has to answer this real quick. You excuse her this one time and when she is done she gives you her whole attention. You quickly end that conversation since you can’t stand not being listened to. You go over and talk to your other friend. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You say you just have to answer it real quick. The real world has more to do than just you texting, facebooking, etc. The real world has people dying all over it, thousands of babies being killed each day, murders, suicides. All of that is happening while you are texting your friend about your day.

4)      The more you are on your tech. the less time you are spending with God. You wake up in the morning and designate time when you can spend time with God. However you pull out your phone just to see if you got an email. You can get easily distracted that way.

However technology is a good thing. Used in the right way. You could use your email, Facebook, phone to minister to people in a way that you might not feel comfortable doing with talking. You can post verses on Facebook to encourage all your friends that day. I challenge you all to only use your email, Facebook, Twitter, cellphone for positive things this week. If you can’t do it you know your addicted. 

~Christina (I posted last time too)

pictures galore

hi all. here are some photos of my spring vacation (i promise i didn't just stay in a the rear view mirrors it would look like ...